ืžืจื›ื– ื”ืงื•ื ื™ื
ื”ื•ืจื™ื“ื• ืืช ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื”
ื”ื•ืจื™ื“ื• ืืช ื”ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื” ืฉืœ Alibaba.com
ืžืฆืื• ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื, ืชืงืฉืจื• ืขื ืกืคืงื™ื, ื ื”ืœื• ืืช ื”ื”ื–ืžื ื•ืช ืฉืœื›ื ื•ืฉืœืžื• ืขืœื™ื”ืŸ ืขื ืืคืœื™ืงืฆื™ื™ืช Alibaba.com, ื‘ื›ืœ ืจื’ืข ื•ื‘ื›ืœ ืžืงื•ื.
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ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื”

(1556 ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื ื–ืžื™ื ื™ื)

ื—ื™ืคื•ืฉื™ื ืงืฉื•ืจื™ื:

8 ืž "ืž ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื‘ื™ืฆื•ืข ืžื›ื•ื ื”1.5 ืžื›ื•ื ืช ืขืฉื™ื™ืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืชืžื›ื•ื ืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืžืฉื•ื‘ื—ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื—ืฉืžืœื™ืชืžื›ื•ื ื•ืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืžืฉื•ื‘ื—ื™ืืžื›ื•ื ืช ื‘ื™ืฆื•ืข ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืื•ื˜ื•ืžื˜ื™ืชืžื›ื•ื ื•ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืชืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื—ืฉืžืœื™ืชืžื™ื ื™ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื‘ื™ืฆื•ืข ืžื›ื•ื ื”ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืืžื™ื™ืœ ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื—ื•ื˜ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ืฆื™ืจืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืชืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ืฆื™ืจืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืชืžื›ื•ื ื•ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืชืžื›ื•ื ืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืขื“ื™ื ื”ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื—ื•ื˜ ื—ืฉืžืœื™ ืœื”ื›ื ืช ืžื›ื•ื ืช
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> 17D Intermediate <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Making</strong> for 0.4~1.6mm <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong>
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> 17D Intermediate <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Making</strong> for 0.4~1.6mm <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong>
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> 17D Intermediate <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Making</strong> for 0.4~1.6mm <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong>
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> 17D Intermediate <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Making</strong> for 0.4~1.6mm <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong>
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> 17D Intermediate <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Making</strong> for 0.4~1.6mm <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong>
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> 17D Intermediate <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Making</strong> for 0.4~1.6mm <strong>Copper</strong> <strong>Wire</strong>

High Quality 17D Intermediate Copper Wire Drawing Machine Making for 0.4~1.6mm Copper Wire

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Pulley Type <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> for Welding Electrodes
Pulley Type <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> for Welding Electrodes
Pulley Type <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> for Welding Electrodes
Pulley Type <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> for Welding Electrodes
Pulley Type <strong>Wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> for Welding Electrodes

Pulley Type Wire Drawing Machine for Welding Electrodes

โ€6,491.43 โ€ - โ€6,676.90 โ€โ‚ช
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PY-300 <strong>High</strong> Speed Bunching <strong>Machine</strong>
PY-300 <strong>High</strong> Speed Bunching <strong>Machine</strong>
PY-300 <strong>High</strong> Speed Bunching <strong>Machine</strong>
PY-300 <strong>High</strong> Speed Bunching <strong>Machine</strong>
PY-300 <strong>High</strong> Speed Bunching <strong>Machine</strong>
PY-300 <strong>High</strong> Speed Bunching <strong>Machine</strong>

PY-300 High Speed Bunching Machine

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8 ืž"ืž ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืžื›ื•ื ื” ืžื•ื˜ ืงื‘ืœืช Upcast
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8 ืž"ืž ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืžื›ื•ื ื” ืžื•ื˜ ืงื‘ืœืช Upcast
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8 ืž"ืž ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ืžื›ื•ื ื” ืžื•ื˜ ืงื‘ืœืช Upcast

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ืžื™ื ื™ืžื•ื ื”ื–ืžื ื”: 1 ืขืจื›ื”
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Multi-<strong>wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> Small <strong>Wire</strong> Cable <strong>Making</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> of Aluminum <strong>Wire</strong> <strong>Making</strong> Plant
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Multi-<strong>wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> Small <strong>Wire</strong> Cable <strong>Making</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> of Aluminum <strong>Wire</strong> <strong>Making</strong> Plant
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Multi-<strong>wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> Small <strong>Wire</strong> Cable <strong>Making</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> of Aluminum <strong>Wire</strong> <strong>Making</strong> Plant
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Multi-<strong>wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> Small <strong>Wire</strong> Cable <strong>Making</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> of Aluminum <strong>Wire</strong> <strong>Making</strong> Plant
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Multi-<strong>wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> Small <strong>Wire</strong> Cable <strong>Making</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> of Aluminum <strong>Wire</strong> <strong>Making</strong> Plant
<strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Multi-<strong>wire</strong> Drawing <strong>Machine</strong> Small <strong>Wire</strong> Cable <strong>Making</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> of Aluminum <strong>Wire</strong> <strong>Making</strong> Plant

High Quality Multi-wire Drawing Machine Small Wire Cable Making Machine of Aluminum Wire Making Plant

โ€741,877.68 โ€ - โ€1,854,694.20 โ€โ‚ช
ืžื™ื ื™ืžื•ื ื”ื–ืžื ื”: 1 ืขืจื›ื”
PFL-04X Best Price Hot Sales Electrical <strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Automatic <strong>Copper</strong> Thick Large 50mm2 Cable Stripping Cutting <strong>Machine</strong>
PFL-04X Best Price Hot Sales Electrical <strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Automatic <strong>Copper</strong> Thick Large 50mm2 Cable Stripping Cutting <strong>Machine</strong>
PFL-04X Best Price Hot Sales Electrical <strong>High</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Automatic <strong>Copper</strong> Thick Large 50mm2 Cable Stripping Cutting <strong>Machine</strong>

PFL-04X Best Price Hot Sales Electrical High Quality Automatic Copper Thick Large 50mm2 Cable Stripping Cutting Machine

โ€2,555.77 โ€ - โ€7,415.07 โ€โ‚ช
ืžื™ื ื™ืžื•ื ื”ื–ืžื ื”: 1 ื™ื—ื™ื“ื”
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6.5 ืž ืž "ืž inlet ืžืกืžืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ืฆื™ื•ืจ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื’ืœื’ืœื•ืช ื‘ ss
6.5 ืž ืž "ืž inlet ืžืกืžืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ืฆื™ื•ืจ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื’ืœื’ืœื•ืช ื‘ ss
6.5 ืž ืž "ืž inlet ืžืกืžืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ืฆื™ื•ืจ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื’ืœื’ืœื•ืช ื‘ ss
6.5 ืž ืž "ืž inlet ืžืกืžืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ืฆื™ื•ืจ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื’ืœื’ืœื•ืช ื‘ ss
6.5 ืž ืž "ืž inlet ืžืกืžืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ืฆื™ื•ืจ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื’ืœื’ืœื•ืช ื‘ ss

6.5 ืž ืž "ืž inlet ืžืกืžืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ืฆื™ื•ืจ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื’ืœื’ืœื•ืช ื‘ ss

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ืžื™ื ื™ืžื•ื ื”ื–ืžื ื”: 1 ืขืจื›ื”

ืงื˜ื’ื•ืจื™ื•ืช ืžื•ื‘ื™ืœื•ืช

ืžื™ื“ืข ืขืœ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื”:

ืกืคืง ืœืขืกืง ืฉืœืš ื—ื“ืฉื ื™. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ื–ืžื™ืŸ ื‘- Cooig.com ืœื”ืฆืขื•ืช ืœืœื ืชื—ืจื•ืช. ืืœื”. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ืžื’ื™ืขื™ื ืขื ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื•ืช ื—ื“ื™ืฉื•ืช ื•ืขื™ืฆื•ื‘ื™ื ืžืชืงื“ืžื™ื ืฉื”ื•ืคื›ื™ื ืืช ืฆื™ื•ืจ ื”ื—ื•ื˜ื™ื ืœืคืฉื•ื˜ ื•ื—ืกื›ื•ื ื™ ืœื‘ื™ืฆื•ืข. ื ื™ืชืŸ ืœื”ืฉื™ื’ ื‘ืื•ืกืฃ ืขืฆื•ื ื”ืžืฉืœื‘ ืขื™ืฆื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ื’ื“ืœื™ื ืžืจืฉื™ืžื™ื, ืชืžื™ื“ ืชืชืงืœื• ื‘ืžืชืื™ืžื™ื. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ื”ืขื•ื ื” ืขืœ ืฆืจื›ื™ ื”ืคื•ื ืงืฆื™ื•ื ืœื™ื•ืช ื•ื”ืžืจื—ื‘ ืฉืœืš.

ืžื•ืจื›ื‘ ืžื—ื•ืžืจื™ื ื™ืฆื™ื‘ื™ื, ื”-. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ื”ืžื•ืคื™ืขื•ืช ื‘- Cooig.com ืžืกืคืงื•ืช ืชื•ื—ืœืช ื—ื™ื™ื ืืจื•ื›ื” ืœืฆื“ ืฉื™ืจื•ืชื™ื ืžืฆื•ื™ื ื™ื. ื–ื” ื”ื•ืคืš ืื•ืชื ืœื”ืชืืžื” ืžื•ืฉืœืžืช ืœื’ื•ืคื™ื ืงื˜ื ื™ื ื•ื’ื“ื•ืœื™ื ื”ืงื•ืจืื™ื ืœืคืจื•ื“ื•ืงื˜ื™ื‘ื™ื•ืช ืžืจื‘ื™ืช. ื”ืกื™ื˜ื•ื ืื™ื ื•ื”ืกืคืงื™ื ื”ืžื•ื‘ื™ืœื™ื ืžืฆื™ื’ื™ื ืืช ืืœื”. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ืืฉืจ ืžื‘ื˜ื™ื—ื™ื ืืช ืกื˜ื˜ื•ืก ื”ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื”ื™ื•ืงืจืชื™ืช ืฉืœื”ื ื•ืืช ื”ื‘ื™ืฆื•ืขื™ื ื”ืžื“ื”ื™ืžื™ื ืฉืœื”ื. ืžืจื’ืžื•ืช ื—ื–ืงื•ืช ื•ื—ืœืงื™ื ืื—ืจื™ื ืฉืœ ืืœื”. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ืžืกืคืงืช ื™ืขื™ืœื•ืช ืžื™ืจื‘ื™ืช ืชื•ืš ืฉื™ืžื•ืฉ ื‘ื›ืžื•ื™ื•ืช ืžืชื•ื ื•ืช ืฉืœ ืื ืจื’ื™ื” ื—ืฉืžืœื™ืช ื•ื“ืœืง ื›ื“ื™ ืœื—ืกื•ืš ืืช ื—ืฉื‘ื•ื ื•ืช ื”ืื ืจื’ื™ื” ืฉืœืš.

. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ื”ื ืžืขืฉื™ื™ื ืขื‘ื•ืจ ืžืชืงื ื™ื ืจื‘ื™ื ื‘ื’ืœืœ ื”ื”ืชืงื ื” ื”ืคืฉื•ื˜ื” ืฉืœื”ื, ื‘ืžื™ื•ื—ื“ ื›ืืฉืจ ื”ื ืžืงื™ื™ืžื™ื ืืช ื”ื”ื ื—ื™ื•ืช. . ื”. ืœ ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ื™ืฉ ื”ืชื ื’ื“ื•ืช ืžื•ื‘ื”ืงืช ืœืกื‘ื™ื‘ื•ืช ืงื™ืฆื•ื ื™ื•ืช ื›ื’ื•ืŸ ืคื’ื™ืขื•ืช ื—ื–ืงื•ืช ื•ื˜ืžืคืจื˜ื•ืจื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื•ืช, ืžื” ืฉืžื—ื–ืง ืืช ื”ืฉื™ืžื•ืฉื™ื•ืช ืฉืœื”ืŸ ืขื•ื“ ื™ื•ืชืจ. ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ ืฉื™ืœื•ื‘ ืžืืคื™ื™ื ื™ ื‘ื˜ื™ื—ื•ืช ืžื—ืฉื‘ืชื™ื™ื, ื”ื ืื™ื ื ื—ื•ืฉืคื™ื ืืช ื”ืžืคืขื™ืœื™ื ืœืคื’ื™ืขื•ืช ืžืฉืžืขื•ืชื™ื•ืช ื‘ืขื‘ื•ื“ื”.

ืชื™ื”ื ื• ืžื—ื•ื•ื™ื™ืช ื”ืงื ื™ื™ื” ื”ืžืงื•ื•ื ืช ื•ื”ื ื•ื—ื” ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ื‘- Cooig.com ืฉื—ื•ืกื›ืช ืœื›ื ื–ืžืŸ ื• ื›ึผึถืกึถืฃ. ื—ืงื•ืจ ืฉืื™ืŸ ืœืขืžื•ื“ ื‘ืคื ื™ื•. ืžื›ื•ื ืช ื™ื™ืฆื•ืจ ื—ื•ื˜ ื ื—ื•ืฉืช ื‘ืื™ื›ื•ืช ื’ื‘ื•ื”ื” ื‘ืืชืจ ื•ืชืคืกื• ืืช ื”ื”ื•ืœื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืขื‘ื•ืจ ื”ื—ืœืœ ืฉืœื›ื. ื”ื”ื—ื–ืจ ืขืœ ื”ื”ืฉืงืขื” ืฉืชืคื™ืง ืžืžื•ืฆืจื™ื ืืœื” ื™ื•ื›ื™ื— ืœืš ืฉื”ื ืฉื•ื•ื™ื ืืช ื›ืœ ื”ื“ื•ืœืจื™ื ืฉืชื•ืฆื™ื ืขืœื™ื”ื.