Q1:How to guarantee the quality of the products? We have our own QC team to control the products quality for all our clients'orders before loading.
Q2:How long does it take to install a louvres roof /pergola?
It depends on te skills,help and tools, usual 2-3 workers will finish the installation 50 m² in one day.
Q3:It is the louvre roof /pergola rain proof?
Yes,the normal weather cnditions,even heavily rain,the roof /pergola will not let in rain.
Q4:How does the rain sensor work?
The control system normally programmed to close the louvres when rain is detected.
Q5:Are louvres roof/pergola energy efficient?
The adjustable louvres blade help to reduce heating and controlling the amountof direct sunlight.
Q6:Can the louvres roof/pergola used next to the sea?
All accessories in aluminium alloy,stainless steel and brass to avoid any rust and corrosion.
Q7:How we do business?
Take care of your prducts and serve your needs. Contact us by E-mail or by phone.