Shipment destination
CM(Cameroon), GH(Ghana), ZA(South Africa), AM(Armenia), LK(Sri Lanka), ID(Indonesia), GE(Georgia), KW(Kuwait), AR(Argentina), CO(Colombia)
Transit Time (Days)
5 - 40 Days
Shipping mode
Product Type
General(Non-dangerous) Goods
Price validity
2024625 - 20241231 Y/M/D
Origin City
שנז 'ן/גואנגג' ואו/שאנגחאי/צ 'ינגדאו/טיאנג' ין/נינגבו
Destination City
ברחבי העולם
Dangerous goods consultation, 24/7 Customer support, Local storage, Customized packaging and labeling, Dangerous goods transportation, Loading and unloading
Local pick up at origin
Storage service
Origin&Destination Storage
Destination customs clearance party
Shipment dispatch time (Days)
15 Days
טווח מסחר
Ddu ddp fob exw
שירות מיוחד
24 שעות באינטרנט