Shipment destination
BR(Brazil), GY(Guyana), PE(Peru), EC(Ecuador), UY(Uruguay), NI(Nicaragua), HN(Honduras), SV(El Salvador), JM(Jamaica), GN(Guinea)
Transit Time (Days)
15 - 50 Days
Shipping mode
Product Type
General(Non-dangerous) Goods
Price validity
20240702 - 20241231 Y/M/D
Origin City
שנז 'ן/גואנגג' ואו/נינגבו/qingdao/shanghai
Destination City
ברחבי העולם
Dangerous goods consultation, 24/7 Customer support, Local storage, Customized packaging and labeling, Dangerous goods transportation, Loading and unloading
Local pick up at origin
Storage service
Origin&Destination Storage
Destination customs clearance party
Shipment dispatch time (Days)
15 Days
שירות לוגיסטי
ספק שירות לוגיסטי
תקופת מסחר
Fob exw cif dp